AccountUser Object v5

Note: The AccountUser Object is only accessible to Account Administrator users.

The following API calls are currently available for the AccountUser object:

GET LIST - Get a list of all users in your account.

Note: Get requests will cache for 60 seconds. If you make repeated API get requests that are identical, the return will be cached and will thus return identical results.
Parameters Example Required
Authentication Credentials api_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345 True
page page=3 False
resultsperpage resultsperpage=100 False

Response Example (.json format):

{"result_ok": true,"total_count": 29,"page": 1,"total_pages": 1,"results_per_page": 29,"data": [{"id": "123456","username": "Username","email": "","admin": 0,"phone_support": 0,"userdata": [],"license": "","defaultteam": false,"status": "Active","last_login": null,"api_key": null,"api_secret": null},{"id": "123457","username": "Username","email": "","admin": 0,"phone_support": 0,"userdata": [{"id": "75","name": "Course","description": "This is the course that this user teaches ","value": ""},{"id": "76","name": "Department","description": "User's department in the organization","value": ""}],"license": "Full Access","defaultteam": "","status": "Active","last_login": null,"api_key": null,"api_secret": null}]}

GET ACCOUNTUSER - Get information about a specific user in your account.[USERID]

Note: Get requests will cache for 60 seconds. If you make repeated API get requests that are identical, the return will be cached and will thus return identical results.
Parameters Example Required
Authentication Credentials api_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345 True

Response Example (.json format):

{"result_ok": true,"data": {"id": "164314","username": "test","email": "","admin": 0,"phone_support": 0,"userdata": [],"license": "","defaultteam": false,"status": "Active","last_login": null,"api_key": null,"api_secret": null}}

CREATE ACCOUNTUSER - Create a new user in your account.

Parameters Value/Example Required
Authentication Credentials api_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345 True
email True
username Jane Doe False
team 23454 (Team ID) False
defaultteam 23454 (Team ID) False
admin 1,0 False
phone_support 1,0 False
license Full Access, Professional, Collaborator, Stakeholder False
create_access_token true (only allowed when using oath) False
userdata[column_name] userdata[department]=sales False

Response Example (.json format):

{"result_ok": true,"data": {"id": "164314","username": "test","email": "","admin": 0,"phone_support": 0,"userdata": [],"license": "","defaultteam": false,"status": "Active","last_login": null,"api_key": null,"api_secret": null}}

UPDATE ACCOUNTUSER - Update/Change user information.

Parameters Value/Example Required
Authentication Credentials api_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345 True
email False
username Jane Doe False
team 23454 (Team ID) False
defaultteam 23454 (Team ID) False
admin 1,0 False
phone_support 1,0 False
userstatus Active, Disabled False
license Full Access, Reporting, Market Researcher, Educational, HR Professional, Basic, Standard False
userdata[column_name] userdata[department]=sales False

Example Response (.json format)

{"result_ok": true,"data": {"id": "164314","username": "test","email": "","admin": 0,"phone_support": 0,"userdata": [],"license": "","defaultteam": false,"status": "Active","last_login": null,"api_key": null,"api_secret": null}}

DELETE ACCOUNTUSER - Delete specific user from  your account.

Parameters Value/Example Required
Authentication Credentials api_token=abcd12345&api_token_secret=abcd12345 True

Response Example (.json format):

{"result_ok": true,"data": {"id": "164314","username": "test","email": "","admin": 0,"phone_support": 0,"userdata": [],"license": "","defaultteam": false,"status": "Disabled","last_login": null,"api_key": null,"api_secret": null}}